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Risk Management

Risk Management is a broad topic and starts at the top with your enterprise risks, which can have profound impact on your company strategy, but it´s also present in the more day-to-day risks we face, which can lead to financial losses, personal injuries or environmental impact. We have deep knowledge in how you can balance and manage these risks with appropriate mitigations and performance monitoring.

Person In Safety Hat Operating Control Panel

Enterprise Risk Management

Develop and implement innovative risk management strategies that protect your company’s assets, reputation, and competitive advantage.


Link risk management to strategy formulation and execution

Install and operate an enterprise risk management system

Recognize, assess, and manage risks from uncontrollable events caused by macroeconomic shifts, political disruptions, natural disasters, and global pandemics


Respond to reputational and brand risks including ones that have to do with cybersecurity threats and data breaches

Risk Assessment

Risks are present in all daily operations, and we have the expertise to advice on how to manage these risks from a pre-operational transition to work conversation at work site to Management of Change or controlling risks associated with impaired barriers  against Major Accident Hazards.

Prevention of Major Accident Hazards

We can provide facilitate how to build a framework that safeguard life, assets, and the environment from major accident hazards (MAHs). We call it barrier management. The strategy and principles form the basis for implementation, operation, and assurance of barriers, ensuring the barrier function is safeguarded through assurance activities and performance monitoring.

When safeguarding barriers, we look at 3 core aspects: Technical, Organizational and Operational.

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